What is Crystal Healing?
Crystal Healing or (crystal therapy) has been used for centuries to bring about healing and enhance wellness. Many ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, Egyptians and Hebrews used crystals in rituals, burials and jewelry for adornment or protection.
Crystal healing works through energy (or vibrational) levels of the body by placing stones/crystals at specific points on the body. Most often these points correspond to the chakra system. The Chakra system is the energetic highway that flows through the body. When all chakra points are in balance, you feel balanced mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically and physically.
Through a series of crystals, gentle movement, hand placement, wands or pendulums, a therapist will work on the body’s energetic field. Crystal healing is a very relaxing experience and can open blocks in your energetic field and psychological body to allow you to process suppressed feelings and deep level healing. I am here to guide and facilitate your healing journey.
Some of the outcomes of a crystal healing session may include:
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Improved mental health and focus
Healing Past Trauma
Deep relaxation and meditation
Feelings of balance and alignment
Motivation and Energy
Energetic block release

What does a Crystal healing Session look like?
When you arrive we will discuss any concerns you have and goals. I will perform an aura reading to read your energetic field and discuss my findings with you. You will then lay face up on the healing table and be led through a guided relaxation. Once you are settled, I will begin placing crystals on your body and guide you through the crystal session.
Once I have completed the crystal session I will cleanse your aura, seal the healing energy and perform a grounding technique. Often you will need a few minutes to reorientate yourself from the deep relaxation. You may even have fallen asleep! We will have a discussion to go over any feelings or experiences you had during your session.
Often a Crystal healing Session will open up feelings or memories that were hidden deep in your energetic body. Guiding you through processing these can take several sessions.
A Crystal Healing session can also be given virtually. Energy is universal and can reach across space. The effectiveness of a distance treatment is the same, the experience may be different. This is a good option if you live elsewhere, travel is difficult or prefer to stay in your own home.

What is a Crystal Grid and how do they work?
A crystal grid uses specific crystals, sacred geometry and intention to help direct healing energy. Crystal grids have been used all through history. Standing stones and mandalas are great examples. Walking a labyrinth is a great example of sacred geometry, being a spiral inwards and outwards.
Crystal grids can be used for intentions, cleansing and healing.
Protection grids can be placed around a home or room.
I can work with you to create a grid to manifest your intentions, help you reach your goals, or provide distance healing or cleansing. I leave a grid for a length of time that feels right and work with the moon energy to choose the best time for harnessing the universal energy to amplify your intention.
Grids can be purchased in a frame to keep in your own home or give as gifts.